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Funny Introductions For Dating Sites


Photo Credit: Some rights reserved by Vladimir Pustovit be creator

Online dating is great fun, but still instigates a maze of awkward messaging, sweaty palms and racing hearts as you start to talk to a potential date. It’s worse for guys, because they are expected to send the messages, while the girls sit back and watch the number in their inbox tot up. But for those guys out there, how do you initiate conversation and get the ball rolling (and not look like a creep?)

When sending a first message on a dating site, you’re often better off saying “knock knock” rather than “hello.” A funny message stands out to online daters, and it increases your chances of getting a response. Sometimes you can melt the hearts of jaded online daters with a clever quip or a quirky compliment. Jun 26, 2020 29 Funny Opening Lines That Actually Work. You see someone cute across the room that you'd like to talk to, maybe get to know a little bit better, but don't know what to say to them. That's where we come in! We've created a list of 29 great funny opening lines for online dating for you to use the next time someone catches your interest. Self-Introductions for Online Dating Sites I met my husband through online dating and I can still remember how excited I was when the computer informed me that 'YOU'VE GOT EMAIL!' Excited about opening up my email because I was expecting something to read every time I came home from work.

Online Dating Profile Examples Here are a few examples of unique online dating profiles. If you wish to understand the concepts behind these examples, please read our tips for writing your online profile. Example 1: Light-Hearted and Silly. Example #5: Nerdy Funny. I’m just a girl with a masters degree that is virtually useless. I am definitely old fashioned about dating, but by no means a prude. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a gymnast so I bend like wet spaghetti in the sack. I share my apartment with my cat, Joker, who I share all of my secrets with.

The Daily Mail has confirmed the top five chat up lines that apparently work while out in the field, but don’t worry, here are seven of the best opening lines you can use online, for when you muster up the courage to send out that first message:

  1. The line that notes one of their interests

Example: They have noted that they love heavy metal music in their profile and one of their pictures is of them at a festival, watching their favourite band. You’re also a fan, so send a quick message letting them know you have something in common, such as:

“Hey! When did you watch *insert band name here *? I love them!”

  1. The line that pokes fun
Funny Introductions For Dating Sites

Example: They’ve included an unusual interest or pastime on their profile – maybe they are a huge Star Wars nerd or play bowls at the weekend – and they seem like they have a sense of humour (and if they don’t this line is a great way of testing the water):

“For someone who *insert funny interest here * you sure are attractive. Perhaps you could teach/show me sometime?”

  1. The tailored to the dating site line

Certain dating websites attract a certain type of person. Those signed up to Plenty of Fish are going to be looking for very different things, compared to people who pay for UK dating with MySingleFriend. Ensure your message meets their standards and goes with the site you are using:

If you’re using POF: “Hey, I didn’t think I’d see someone as beautiful as you on a free dating site! Are you having a good week/weekend?”


If you’re signed up to MySingleFriend: “So, who tricked you into letting them set you up a profile on here?” Then you could go into a little detail about who wrote your profile.

  1. The cheeky line

You just want her to know you think she’s attractive and you want to make her laugh while doing so:

“Hey, you’re almost as attractive as me! Maybe we should meet for drinks sometime to show off?”

  1. The complimentary line

Example: You can’t think of anything to say about their profile – maybe they were a bit lazy filling it in – but they’re so attractive you can’t just skip them by. A line like this should get the conversation started:

“You need to tell your parents they did a great job! I’ve never seen anyone so good looking.”

  1. The ‘to the point’ line

Example: You really want to see this girl, they like everything you do and look amazing, so you decide to send over a little line such as:


“Dinner and drinks, Friday night? I know a great place that does *insert food she included in her likes and dislikes section here.*

Funny Dating Texts

  1. The humorous line

Funny Dating App Messages

Example: You want to show this girl that you’re funny. All girls love a funny guy, right?

“Hey! How’s your week/weekend been? I’ve had a busy one helping out at the soup kitchen, saving puppies and rocking babies to sleep, while talking with my sick Grandma on the phone at regular intervals.”

These lines should have the ladies falling at your feet (keyboard) while online dating, sign up for a site today and try them out!

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